5 Nutrients That Build Strong Bones & Support Healthy Joints

Strong bones and healthy joints require a key combination of nutrients, some of which can be hard to obtain on a purely plant-based diet. Here’s how Ka’Chava helps you get your fill.
It’s never too early to start thinking about bone and joint health. Building strong bones is crucial for staying active as you age, and caring for your joints can help preserve that precious cartilage that keeps your bones cushioned. Prioritizing the right food and nutrients, like the ones you’ll find in Ka’Chava—along with engaging in physical activity that boosts bone density—can make all the difference.
See The Top 5 Nutrients In Ka’Chava That Support Healthy Bones & Joints
Builds Strong Bones
It’s no secret that adequate calcium is a cornerstone of bone health. To understand why, just look at how bone tissue is made. First, your body lays down a framework of collagen, which is a flexible structural protein. Then, little calcium crystals from your bloodstream are deposited and spread throughout this collagen framework, filling in all the nooks and crannies. Together, collagen and calcium create strong bones that are also flexible. While this may be something that comes naturally when you’re young, in your older years, you’ll certainly learn to appreciate this strength and flexibility. Furthermore, studies show that adequate calcium and vitamin D, as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Ka’Chava provides 35-40% of your daily value of calcium from a combination of sources, including chia seeds and flax seeds.
Builds Strong Bones
Magnesium is another mineral that contributes to maintaining normal bones, including the secretion of various hormones involved in bone formation. Unfortunately, studies show that approximately 50% of Americans consume less than the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for magnesium, which means you should take extra care to get this nutrient in your diet[*]. Ka’Chava contains magnesium-rich foods such as chia and flax seeds, providing 50% of your daily value for this essential mineral in every serving. Citation:
Helps The Body Absorb And Use Calcium
Your digestive system is surprisingly bad at absorbing calcium. In fact, most people absorb less than half of the calcium they eat in their diet. That’s where vitamin D comes into play. Vitamin D is the nutrient (which really functions like a hormone) that helps your gut absorb and utilize more calcium. Vitamin D can be hard to obtain if you consume a solely plant-based diet, but Ka’Chava contains 25% of your daily value in every serving. In addition to food, you can also boost vitamin D levels by spending 10-15 minutes outdoors in the sun daily.
Supports Collagen Production
Vitamin C is a crucial nutrient for bones and joints. The reason: It plays a vital role in producing collagen—your body’s most abundant structural protein. As mentioned above, collagen provides the framework on which calcium crystals are deposited to create sturdy but flexible bones. Additionally, collagen is a component of cartilage, the firm, flexible connective tissue on the surface of joints that keeps them gliding smoothly—so you can walk, run, and climb with ease. Vitamin C is often abundant in colorful fruits and veggies, and Ka’Chava provides 35% of your daily value per serving.
Builds Strong Bones
Phosphorus is a mineral that works in conjunction with other vitamins and minerals to keep your bones healthy and strong.Together, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium play a structural role in forming the hydroxyapatite crystals that comprise bone mineral content. Phosphorus is readily available in a variety of foods such as fish, nuts, and beans, but in order to utilize it properly, your intake of other nutrients needs to be up to par as well. For example, your body absorbs less phosphorus when calcium levels are too high, and vice versa. Vitamin D is also necessary to adequately absorb phosphorus. Ka’Chava contains 35% of your daily value of phosphorus per serving.

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*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.