Fuel Your Body With Ka’Chava And These 5 Powerhouse Nutrients

Being tired isn’t always a result of a poor night’s sleep. Low levels of key nutrients can leave you feeling blah regardless of your bedtime. Here’s how Ka’Chava keeps you physically and mentally energized.
Boosting energy levels is about so much more than getting your morning coffee fix. To be truly energized, you need to exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and eat a well-balanced diet. Beyond that, several key nutrients play a critical role in converting food to energy and your ability to power through a hectic workweek—or workout—without running yourself ragged. Take a look at Ka’Chava’s energy-revving lineup.
See The Top Energy-Revving Nutrients In Ka’Chava
Convert Food Into Usable Energy
B vitamins play a crucial role in helping you get the most energy out of the food you eat. All B-complex vitamins (which include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folate, biotin, and pantothenic acid) help convert the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins on your plate into a form of energy that your body can use. Furthermore, vitamin B12 aids in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. Aside from vitamin B12 (found only in animal-based foods), B vitamins are found readily in a variety of fruits and vegetables. One serving of Ka’Chava contains over 60% of your daily needs for all B vitamins.
Provides The Brain And Body With Oxygen
Iron helps produce hemoglobin, a protein that allows red blood cells to carry oxygen to various tissues throughout your body. With low iron levels, insufficient oxygen reaches your muscles or brain, depriving them of energy and leading to physical and mental fatigue. In just one serving of Ka’Chava, you’ll get 30-40% of your daily iron needs from sources such as yellow peas, chia seeds, amaranth, and oats.
Supports Energy Production + Boosts Iron Absorption
In addition to helping your body absorb plant-based sources of iron more efficiently, vitamin C helps make enzymes that synthesize carnitine—a compound that transports fatty acids into your cells’ mitochondria (a.k.a. the powerhouse of your cells) where they’re “burned” to produce energy. Foods such as pomegranate, blackberries, and spinach contain vitamin C, and one serving of Ka’Chava includes 35% of your daily vitamin C needs.
Aids In The Production Of ATP
Phosphorus is vital to your body's energy-production game. It not only influences how your body uses carbohydrates and fats, but it also assists with the production of ATP—a molecule that your body uses to store energy and power a variety of biological processes. Phosphorus is readily available in many foods, and Ka’Chava contains at least 35% of your daily needs.
Aids In The Production Of ATP
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body, including in the production and utilization of ATP—a molecule used to store energy and drive cellular processes. Nuts, beans, chia seed, flaxseed, spinach, and cocoa all contain magnesium, and one serving of Ka’Chava packs half of your daily magnesium needs.

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Seriously, the best! Game changer find! Great meal replacement that actually tastes good! My two year old even loves it! Winner all around!
References For Further Information
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.