Chocolate banana nice cream
5 min read

- 2 Scoops Ka'Chava Vanilla
- 4 Frozen bananas
- 1/2 Cup cacao powder
- 2 Tablespoons almond butter
- 1/4 Cup milk of choice (I use vanilla almond)
- Handful nuts (for topping)
- 3 Scoops coconut cream (for topping)
How to make
- Place the frozen bananas, cacao powder, and almond butter, and Ka'Chava Vanilla in a high speed blender.
- Blend in high speed and use a plunger to keep pushing down. Ice cream will start blending smoothly after 2-3 minutes
- Freeze for 1-2 hours.(optional)
- Top with handmade coconut banana ice cream or with coconut cream
- Serve & Enjoy!
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